Sunday, August 12, 2012


Can you believe that September is almost here! Where did the summer go? The service year is ending. September is the start of our big adventure...we will be heading down to Mexico! Finally! Here is our tentative schedule....take a bus from Tucson to Mazatlan, visit with friends, travel by bus to Mexico City to attend an English convention at the assembly hall across from the Mexico Bethel, then travel by bus with the friends from Vera Cruz to Vera Cruz and become acquainted with one of the congregations on our list.  Next we make our way to Tabasco and travel with the friends from the other congregation to Merida to attend another English convention.  We will return to Tabasco and check out the area, territory and congregation.  We will be looking at places to rent at both locations.  Our trip goal is to become familiar with both congregations in order to chose between them.  I am pretty sure that it will be a hard choice to make.  I am hoping that it will be obvious which one may be best suited to us....praying that that is the case otherwise I will agonize over the decision! I am excited and a little anxious on how this will all turn out. I am deciding what to pack for a long trip. I have been trying to earn extra income to help cover the trip expenses by selling on Ebay.  It does take time to list, photograph and the send off each item but it all helps!
On a side note, we have been out of town recently to visit Rob's older brother who found out that he had lung and bone cancer about 5 weeks ago. He died yesterday at the age of 68. Sad.  Rob's other brother has been fighting colon cancer. One of my brothers is battling lymphoma.  We really do long to be in a world where no one will get sick and die. 

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